Additional Resources & At-Home Ideas
(Or What Do We Do with the Rest of Our Week!)
So what do you do with the rest of the week once your kiddos are home with you?
Our academic classes and a few of our elective classes will have homework assignments for the week - depending both on the specific class as well as on your child's grade level. Our teachers will be sending communication throughout the school year regarding what your student(s) are learning and what they should be doing at home.
Below are suggestions of additional resources that will help you teach your child based on the curriculum that our teachers are using. These are not *required*, but are suggestions that will assist you in best helping teach your kiddos in preparation for the next day at Journey. Hopefully these suggestions will be helpful!
Pre-K/Kindergarten (And in general, pre-readers)
Additional recommended resources (optional, not required):
A Reason for Handwriting (~$16) -
"Leveled readers" and pre-reader books such as Bob Books, Hooked on Phonics, and Now I'm Reading! Animal Antics (to name a few - use the library, they often have many of these available)
During the week:
Be outside, play, and enjoy learning about nature! Everything leads to learning at this age! Read, discuss, be silly, snuggle, repeat!
Additional reading resources can be purchased or borrowed from the library to help build on each week’s unit learning. We will provide the list of units on the first day of class.
Grades 1-12
(generally, any students that are reading with some confidence and consistency)
Additional recommended resources (optional, not required):
Often you will find that these are resources that you turn back to over and over again, over many school years):
History: World globe and/or world maps and atlases (cost varies)
Language Arts: If your child is just starting with grammar and sentence structure rules, or even farther along in grade level, I highly recommend Easy Grammar. If you are able to start this on a daily basis a few weeks prior to the start of Journey co-op / your school year, it will help greatly in their writing coursework this year. Continue using Easy Grammar on a daily basis through the year.
Although they are both published by the same company, I *do* recommend Easy Grammar (unit study) vs. Daily Grams
Language Arts: Easy Grammar Student workbook
The Easy Grammar teacher’s manual is not required for the parent to teach, but it can be helpful to streamline correcting the workbook activities and as a bit more detailed instructions for the parent than the workbook. Previews of each are available at the above links when purchasing the book(s).
Spelling: A Reason for Spelling ($17 new for student book, you'll need the teacher's manual as well (~$34 new, but usually able to find "used" for much less) Choose the level that best suits your student’s level. Here is a link to the scope and sequence to determine the most appropriate level:
Spelling: Another good option for an older student (or a younger kiddo that catches onto spelling easily) would be Sequential Spelling:
During the week:
Be outside, play, and enjoy and learn about nature!
Read. Read to your kiddos. Have your kiddos read to you!
Use required and recommended resources in your remaining school week to complete assignments/projects as requested by teacher.
Discuss maps, directions, landmarks, cultures as appropriate, as they come up in family discussions, readings, and events.
Work with maps, simple directions to and from favorite places (the library, grandma’s house, etc.)
Work with globe and geography resources to complete assignments and projects at-home
Additional reading resources can be purchased or borrowed from the library to help build on each week’s learning.