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Journey Classes


Our academic classes are set up so that, as much as possible, students are all covering the same general content across elementary and middle school levels. This simplifies teaching at home for our families as this material will then become the basis for at-home teaching for the remainder of the week. In addition, Journey Homeschool Association purchases the curriculum for our teachers so that we are able to have consistency between our classes and continuity from year-to-year. If your preferred history, science, or writing class is not offered this year, it will typically be offered in a 2- or 3- year rotation so that there is always fresh, new material for our families and students.

SCHOOL WORK AT HOME (OR What should my child do the rest of the week?)

Homework is required for our Academic classes as well as some of our Electives, depending on each specific class and grade level.  Legos or cooking for elementary-aged kiddos? Nope, probably no homework.  Need something for a high school transcript, then yes, there may be some projects or activities to work with outside-of-class. 


Knowledge builds on knowledge, so week to week, there will be suggestions and recommendations for carrying out your children's learning at home.  "School work at Home" will be age-appropriate: Kindergarten will be light, with suggestions for "together time" for reading, playing, and time exploring outdoors, especially as it relates to our unit for each week.  First grade will be similar, and progressing to a bit more with each grade. 


Middle and high schoolers will be using their in-class and out-of-class time to complete assignments and projects that can then be included on their transcripts. (We will discuss transcripts at the beginning of the year for those that are interested). 



We believe in the importance of teaching each child in ways that increase their learning potential.  Our classes use a multi-sensory approach, integrating hands-on activities, motion, and music, so that we can reach a multitude of learning styles. 


To the extent possible, we coordinate curriculum sources and/or topics/content across the grade levels. For 2024/2025, all levels will be focusing on biology topics as well as U.S. History and Elections. We have a 4-year rotation established to ensure that all periods of history are covered during the years at Journey. 


We will have a more traditional approach for our high schoolers as we prepare them for graduation and life beyond high school.  At this point, we have chosen to declare "tracks" instead of grade levels in high school.  We realize that students take different classes at different levels, so for this reason, you will choose your students' "track" based on the science or history class of your choosing. Options on our Elective Days will provide further opportunities for our high schoolers to really jump in and have class content and experiences that prepare them for post-graduation pursuits.   


Homeschooling is a journey, taking it year-to-year, and sometimes month-to-month or day-to-day, one decision at a time. Journey will come alongside you as we enter and continue through our school year. Playdates this summer will help connect our students and families before we enter into our school year.  An open house in late August/early September will allow families to meet teachers, to meet other families, to tour our classrooms, to pick up Journey shirts, and to ask any questions. Weekly meetings and bible studies for moms during "1st hour" will allow us to come together to form community and friendships, and to discuss homeschool topics.  

We are so glad that you are joining us and we look forward to meeting you and your sweet families. 


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